
Matt Hancher

Satellite Imagery

Matt Hancher leads the Earth Engine team at Google, which he co-founded in 2009 to bring Google’s datacenter computing expertise to bear on large-scale satellite data processing and global challenges in Earth science and related fields. In addition to managing the engineering team, he works in application areas ranging from deforestation monitoring to global public health. He spent his early years building robots at the MIT Media Lab, and prior to joining Google he was a researcher at the NASA Ames Research Center, where he designed robots and processed Moon and Mars satellite data to prepare for future missions.

My Sessions

How to Access and Analyze Earth Data with Ease

Maker Stage

There is a huge and ever-growing variety of satellite data available to the public, but accessing and processing it can be a challenge. Earth Engine is Google’s cloud platform that brings this data together in an easy-to-use web-based analysis tool and API. Learn how researchers, governments, NGOs, and companies are using Earth Engine to turn […]